1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

यदि आप अंग्रेजी से हिंदी या हिंदी से अंग्रेजी अनुवाद सीखना चाहते हैं तो क्रिया और क्रिया रूपों का ज्ञान होना बहुत जरूरी है। इसलिए आज के लेख में मैं अंग्रेजी और हिंदी दोनों भाषाओं में 1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z से अधिक क्रियाओं की सूची देने जा रहा हूँ | क्रिया सूची | हिंदी में क्रिया | Verbs with meaning in Hindi | अर्थ के साथ क्रिया रूप।

If you want to learn English to Hindi or Hindi to English translation then it is very important to have knowledge of verbs and verb forms. So in today’s post, I am going to write more than 1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z verbs in both English and Hindi languages.

Action List | verb in Hindi Verbs with meaning in Hindi | verb form with meaning.

Must Read 301-400 (Part-2)

Verb Form with Hindi Meaning 1-300 (Part-1)

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
लज्जित करना Abash Abashed Abashed
रोक-थाम करना Abate Abated Abated
रहना, टिकना Abide Abode Abode
सोख लेना Absorb Absorbed Absorbed
स्वीकार करना Accept Accepted Accepted
पीड़ा होना Ache Ached Ached
हासिल करना Achieve Achieved Achieved
प्राप्त करना Acquire Acquired Acquired
अभिनय करना Act Acted Acted
सक्रीय होना Activate Activated Activated
उकसाना Actuate Actuated Actuated
जोड़ना Add Added Added
संबोधित करना Address Addressed Addressed
समायोजित करना Adjust Adjusted Adjusted
प्रशंसा करना Admire Admired Admired
भर्ती होना, करना Admit Admitted Admitted
सलाह देना Advise Advised Advised
प्रभाव डालना Affect Affected Affected
बर्दास्त करना Afford Afforded Afforded
सहमत होना Agree Agreed Agreed
लक्ष होना, इरादा रखना Aim Aimed Aimed
चेतावनी देना Alert Alerted Alerted
प्रदीप्त करना Alight Alighted Alighte

1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
अनुमति देना Allow Allowed Allowed
मन बहलाना Amuse Amused Amused
विश्लेषण करना Analyze analyzed analyzed
उत्तेजित, चेतन करना Animate Animated Animated
घोषणा करना Announce Announced Announced
सताना, गुस्सा दिलाना Annoy Annoyed Annoyed
उत्तर देना Answer Answered Answered
क्षमा मांगना Apologize Apologized Apologized
दिखना, प्रकट होना Appear Appeared Appeared
सराहना Applaud Applauded Applauded
लागू करना Apply Applied Applied
सरहना करना Appreciate Appreciated Appreciated
निकट आना, प्रस्ताव करना Approach Approached Approached
मंजूर करना Approve Approved Approved
बहस करना Argue Argued Argued
उठना Arise Arose Arisen
व्यवस्था करना Arrange Arranged Arranged
गिरफ्तार करना Arrest Arrested Arrested
पूछना Ask Asked Asked
इक्कठा करना Assemble Assembled Assembled
दावा करना, जोर देना Assert Asserted Asserted
छांटना Assort Assorted Assorted
मानना, ग्राह्य धरना Assume Assumed Assumed
चकित करना Astonish Astonished Astonished
सलग्न करना Attach Attached Attached

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1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
आक्रमण करना Attack Attacked Attacked
हासिल, प्राप्त करना Attain Attained Attained
प्रयास, प्रयत्न करना Attempt Attempted Attempted
किसी समारोह में भाग लेना Attend Attended Attended
आकर्षित करना Attract Attracted Attracted
लेखा-जोखा करना Audit Audited Audited
किसी को टालना, नजरअंदाज Avoid Avoided Avoided
जागना, चौकन्ना Awake Awoke Awoken
पुरष्कार, बक्षिस देना Award Awarded Awarded
पीछे हटना Back Backed Backed
चुगली करना Backbite Backbit Backbitten
सेंकना Bake Baked Baked
संतुलन बनाना Balance Balanced Balanced
प्रतिबन्ध, रोक लगाना Ban Banned Banned
गरजना Bang Banged Banged
निर्वासित करना Banish Banished Banished
नग्न करना Bare Bared Bared
भौकना Bark Barked Barked
जोरसे मारना, घुमाकर मारना Bash Bashed Bashed
बल्लेबाजी करना Bat Batted Batted
स्नान करना Bathe Bathed Bathed
युद्ध करना, संघर्ष Battle Battled Battled
होना Be Was Been
प्रकाश डालना Beam Beamed Beamed
सहना, सहन करना Bear Bore Borne

Must Read…

1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
हराना Beat Beat Beaten
सुशोभित करना Beautify Beautified Beautified
होना Become Became Become
घटित होना, बीतना Befall Befell Befallen
भीख में मांगना Beg Begged Begged
पैदा करना, प्रजनन करना Beget Begot Begotten
प्रारंभ, शुरू करना Begin Began Begun
बर्ताव करना Behave Behaved Behaved
ध्यान से देखना, निहारना Behold Beheld Beheld
मानना Believe Believed Believed
का निवासी होना, संबध रखना Belong Belonged Belonged
झुकना Bend Bent Bent
लाभ होना Benefit Benefitted Benefitted
वंचित करना Bereave Bereaved Bereaved
प्रार्थना करना Beseech Besought Besought
प्रदान करना Bestow Bestowed Bestowed
शर्त लगाना Bet Bet Bet
प्रकट करना Betray Betrayed Betrayed
पक्षपात करना Bias Biased Biased
बोली लगाना Bid Bade Bidden
बांधना, जकड़ना Bind Bound Bound
कांटना Bite Bit Bitten
खून बहना Bleed Bled Bled
आशीर्वाद देना Bless Blessed Blessed
अंधा, धुंधला कर देना Blind Blinded Blinded

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1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
पलक झपकना Blink Blinked Blinked
बंद कर देना Block Blocked Blocked
खिलना Blossom Blossomed Blossomed
धब्बा, दाग लगाना Blot Blotted Blotted
उडाना, आघात करना Blow Blew Blown
धुंधला कर देना Blur Blurred Blurred
शरमाना Blush Blushed Blushed
चढ़ना Board Boarded Boarded
बढ़-बढ़कर बातें करना Boast Boasted Boasted
उबालना Boil Boiled Boiled
तेज करना, बढ़ावा Boost Boosted Boosted
उबा देना, दुखी करना Bore Bored Bored
उधार लेना Borrow Borrowed Borrowed
उछालना Bounce Bounced Bounced
संभालना Brace Braced Braced
रोकना Brake Braked Braked
विभाजित होना Branch Branched Branched
मसलना, चूर करना Bray Brayed Brayed
तोड़ना Break Broke Broken
साँस लेना Breathe Breathed Breathed
नस्ल बढाना, पालन-पोषण करना Breed Bred Bred
शराब बनाना Brew Brewed Brewed
सक्षिप्त करना Brief Briefed Briefed
लाना Bring Brought Brought

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1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
प्रसारित करना Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
व्यापक बनाना, विसृत बनाना Broaden Broadened Broadened
धमकाना Browbeat Browbeat Browbeat
चोट लगाना Bruise Bruised Bruised
ब्रश करना, दांत सांफ करना Brush Brushed Brushed
निर्माण करना Build Built Built
जलाना Burn Burnt Burnt
फटना, फोड़ना Burst Burst Burst
दफनाना, गाढ़ देना Bury Buried Buried
छापा मारना Bust Bust Bust
खरीदना Buy Bought Bought
गुंजन करना, भनभनाना Buzz Buzzed Buzzed
हिसाब लगाना,अनुमान लगाना Calculate Calculated Calculated
मापना Calibrate Calibrated Calibrated
पुकारना, बुलाना Call Called Called
जांचना/परखना ,वोट/चंदा माँगना Canvass Canvassed Canvassed
पकड़ना Capture Captured Captured
चिंता करना, देखभाल करना Care Cared Cared
हाथ फेरना, लाड़ करना Caress Caressed Caressed
ले जाना Carry Carried Carried
काटना Carve Carved Carved
नक़द चुनाना Cash Cashed Cashed
ढालना,पछाड़ना Cast Cast Cast
पकड़ना, झेलना Catch Caught Caught

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
कारण होना, कारण बनना Cause Caused Caused
रोकना/समाप्त करना Cease Ceased Ceased
मनाना/उत्सव मनाना Celebrate Celebrated Celebrated
जकड देना Chain Chained Chained
चुनौती देना Challenge Challenged Challenged
बदलना Change Changed Changed
दाम लगाना Charge Charged Charged
पीछा करना Chase Chased Chased
गपशप करना Chat Chatted Chatted
ठगना, फ़साना Cheat Cheated Cheated
जाँचना Check Checked Checked
उत्साहित करना,साहस बढ़ाना Cheer Cheered Cheered
चबाना Chew Chewed Chewed
डांटना Chide Chid Chidden
ठंडा होना, लगना Chill Chilled Chilled
तोड़ना Chip Chipped Chipped
गला घोंटना, दम घोंटना Choke Choked Choked
चुनना Choose Chose Chosen
तुकडे करना Chop Chopped Chopped
फैलाना, चारो-और भेजना Circulate Circulated Circulated
दावा करना Claim Claimed Claimed
ताली बजाना Clap Clapped Clapped
वर्गीकरण करना Classify Classified Classified
सांफ करना Clean Cleaned Cleaned
निर्मल करना Clear Cleared Cleared

1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z

Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
फोड़ना Cleave Clove Cloven
उंगली से टपटपाना, क्लिक करना Click Clicked Clicked
चढना Climb Climbed Climbed
लिपटना,चिपटना,बांधे रखना Cling Clung Clung
बंद करना Close Closed Closed
उढ़ाना, ढकना Clothe Clad Clad
इक्कठा हो जाना, जोड़कर रखना Club Clubbed Clubbed
संकेत देना Clue Clued Clued
क्लच, पकड़ Clutch Clutched Clutched
गुण सीखना, ट्रेन करना Coach Coached Coached
लपेटना Coil Coiled Coiled
ढहना, भहरना Collapse Collapsed Collapsed
इकट्ठा करना, जमा करना Collect Collected Collected
रंगना,रंग देना Color Colored Colored
कंघी करना Comb Combed Combed
आना Come Came Come
टिपण्णी करना Comment Commented Commented
नियुक्त करना Commission Commissioned Commissioned
वादा करना Commit Committed Committed
संपर्क करना Communicate Communicated Communicated
तुलना करना Compare Compared Compared
दबाव डालना, मजबूर करना Compel Compelled Compelled
मुक़ाबला करना, प्रतियोगिता करना Compete Competed Competed

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
शिकायत करना Complain Complained Complained
समाप्त करना Complete Completed Completed
कल्पना करना Conceive Conceived Conceived
ध्यान देना Concentrate Concentrated Concentrated
दिलचस्पी लेना Concern Concerned Concerned
निष्कर्ष निकालना Conclude Concluded Concluded
आचरण करना,नेतृत्व करना Conduct Conducted Conducted
मानना, कबुल करना Confess Confessed Confessed
सिमित करना, प्रतिबंधित करना Confine Confined Confined
ज़ब्त करना Confiscate Confiscated Confiscated
उलझना, भ्रमित होना Confuse Confused Confused
बधाई देना Congratulate Congratulated Congratulated
जोड़ना,मिलाना Connect Connected Connected
जताना,भाव बतलाना, Connote Connoted Connoted
जितना Conquer Conquered Conquered
ज्ञान देना Consecrate Consecrated Consecrated
सहमती देना Consent Consented Consented
सुरक्षित करना Conserve Conserved Conserved
विचार करना Consider Considered Considered
सुपुर्द करना, भेजना Consign Consigned Consigned
बना होना, अनुकूल होना Consist Consisted Consisted
दिलासा देना Console Consoled Consoled
बातचीत करना Consort Consorted Consorted
मिल जाना, षड्यंत्र रचना Conspire Conspired Conspired

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
गठित करना Constitute Constituted Constituted
विवश करना, मजबूर करना Constrain Constrained Constrained
निर्माण करना Construct Constructed Constructed
टीका करना Construe Construed Construed
परामर्श करना, सलाह लेना Consult Consulted Consulted
उपभोग करना, काम में लाना Consume Consumed Consumed
समाविष्ट करना Contain Contained Contained
नफ़रत करना, घिनाना Contemn Contemned Contemned
संघर्ष करना Contend Contended Contended
प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना Contest Contested Contested
जारी रहना Continue Continued Continued
ठेका लेना Contract Contracted Contracted
खंडन करना Contradict Contradicted Contradicted
विषमता दिखाना Contrast Contrasted Contrasted
योगदान करना Contribute Contributed Contributed
उपाय निकालना, योजना करना Contrive Contrived Contrived
नियंत्रण करना,काबू पाना Control Controlled Controlled
बुलाना, आमन्त्रित करना Convene Convened Convened
मिलना Converge Converged Converged
बातचीत करना Converse Conversed Conversed
रूपांतरित करना Convert Converted Converted
पहुंचाना Convey Conveyed Conveyed
अपराधी घोषित करना Convict Convicted Convicted
मनवाना,मनाना Convince Convinced Convinced

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
कूजना, धीमी आवाज में कहना Coo Cooed Cooed
भोजन बनाना, पकाना Cook Cooked Cooked
ठंडा करना Cool Cooled Cooled
सहयोग देना Co-operate Co-operated Co-operated
डटकर मुकाबला करना, लड़ना Cope Coped Coped
नक़ल करना Copy Copied Copied
सही करना,दुरुस्त करना Correct Corrected Corrected
मेल खाना, समान होना Correspond Corresponded Corresponded
खुरचना Corrode Corroded Corroded
भ्रष्ट होना,दूषित करना Corrupt Corrupted Corrupted
किसी मूल्य का होना Cost Cost Cost
खांसना Cough Coughed Coughed
सलाह देना Counsel Counselled Counselled
गिनती गिनना Count Counted Counted
कोर्स करना, पार करना Course Coursed Coursed
ढंकना, छुपाना Cover Covered Covered
झुकना या पीछे हटना Cower Cowered Cowered
टूटना,तड़कना Crack Cracked Cracked
चिड़चिड़ाना, भड़कना Crackle Crackled Crackled
ठूसना Cram Crammed Crammed
टकराना, धमाका करना Crash Crashed Crashed
लालसा/अभिलाषा करना Crave Craved Craved
खुशामद करना/घिसटना Crawl Crawled Crawled
तैयार करना,रचना करना Create Created Created

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
रेंगना Creep Crept Crept
दाह संस्कार करना(जलाना) Cremate Cremated Cremated
पालना Crib Cribbed Cribbed
लंगड़ा के चलना Cripple Crippled Crippled
पार करना Cross Crossed Crossed
संकरण करना Crossbreed Crossbred Crossbred
भीड़ करना Crowd Crowded Crowded
पीसना, मसलना Crush Crushed Crushed
रोना Cry Cried Cried
उगाना, विकसित करना Cultivate Cultivated Cultivated
नियंत्रण करना Curb Curbed Curbed
उपचार करना, इलाजकरना Cure Cured Cured
लपेटना Curl Curled Curled
मोड़ना, मुड़ना Curve Curved Curved
काटना, कटौती करना Cut Cut Cut
घूमना, चक्कर लगाना Cycle Cycled Cycled
हानि करना, क्षति पहुंचाना Damage Damaged Damaged
भिगाना, गीला करना Damp Damped Damped
नृत्य करना Dance Danced Danced
साहस करना, हिम्मत करना Dare Dared Dared
भागना, ढकेलना Dash Dashed Dashed
चकित करना,चकाचौंध करना Dazzle Dazzled Dazzled
व्यवहार या सौदा करना Deal Dealt Dealt
सड़ना, क्षीण होना, नष्ट होना Decay Decayed Decayed
धोखा देना Deceive Deceived Deceive

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Hindi Meaning Main Form (V1) 2nd form (V2) 3rd form (V3)
धीमा/मंद करना Decelerate Decelerated Decelerated
निर्णय करना Decide Decided Decided
घोषणा करना Declare Declared Declared
सजाना Decorate Decorated Decorated
कम होना, घटना Decrease Decreased Decreased
समर्पित करना Dedicate Dedicated Dedicated
हारना, पराजित होना Defeat Defeated Defeated
बचाव करना Defend Defend Defend
हवा निकालना Deflate Deflated Deflated

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Coming Soon…

Verb Form with Hindi Meaning 301-600 (Part-2)

Verb Form with Hindi Meaning 601-900 (Part-3)

Verb Form with Hindi Meaning 901-1200 (Part-4)

Verb Form with Hindi Meaning 1201-1300 (Part-5)

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Categories Verb Forms in English with Hindi

11 thoughts on “1000 Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning A to Z”

Anshay Sharma

(address or adjust) dono ke ek hi meaning or vo bhe galat content dalne se pahle cheek bhe karliya karo Reply

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Sonja Gallodoro howdy, heroic blog on blubbery loss. aforesaid helped. Reply

Thank you, for this amazing verbs and most interesting fact that is this verbs are unique and we get to know that we have lot of words of same meaning.We can make our vocabulary good and used these kinds of verbs in our daily language.So keep learning.
Once more thank you giving thse valuable words ,this helps me lot to do my work please give more verbs so others can have more knowledge. Reply

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