This resource is related to the Accreditation Standard 3.2 A risk assessment of security arrangements, ‘You should get security advice for all the buildings and sites that the museum occupies. You should do this at least every five years, ….’’
This webpage provides information for museums relating to the Government Indemnity Scheme (GIS). The GIS, administered by Arts Council England, allows the public access to objects within the UK which might not otherwise be available, by providing borrowers with an alternative to the considerable cost of commercial insurance. It means that a museum, gallery, archive or library can arrange to borrow objects from non-national institutions and private lenders and in the event of loss or damage, compensation will be paid to the owner by the Government.
This resource is also related to the Collections Access Standard of Lending and Borrowing. The GIS aims to enhance and widen access to objects of a scientific, technological, artistic or historic nature, by underwriting the insurance of loans between UK borrowing and lending cultural heritage organisations. By doing this it enables organisations to borrow objects which they could not otherwise afford.
The scheme supports both national cultural heritage organisations (i.e. those museums funded by Parliament) and non-national cultural heritage organisations (i.e. not wholly or partly funded by Parliament). The scheme guidelines contain standards required in participating organisations, relevant to security, environment, packing, transport and venue.
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Date created: 2016
Author: Arts Council England
Publisher: Arts Council England
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