The Norton Field Guide to writing : with readings and handbook

The Norton Field Guide to Writing's flexibility and ease of use have made it the leading rhetoric text on the market and a perfect choice for committees representing varying teaching styles. With just enough detail and color-coded links that send students to more detail if they need it this is the rhetoric that tells students what they need to know but resists the temptation to tell them everything there is to know. The Fourth Edition includes new chapters on summarizing and responding, on developing academic habits of mind, and on writing literary analysis. The Norton Field Guide to Writing is also available with a handbook, an anthology, or both. To make the book more helpful for multilingual writers, the versions with the handbook include new chapters on idioms, prepositions, and Englishes; to accommodate instructors and programs teaching literary analysis, the versions with the anthology include two student essays that analyze literature and five short stories and poems for analysis. All versions are available as low-cost ebooks and in mobile-compatible formats for smart phones and tablets. --

Includes bibliographical references and index

2016 MLA update


Cut-off text on some pages due to tight binding
Obscured text on back cover due to sticker attached.

[WorldCat (this item)]

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