DPE Goal Instruction for Intellectual Disabilities

What are the diagnosis/prescription/evaluation and analyses of goal for a student with Intellectual Disabilities? What are the implementation and development of goal to be used? What role do such procedures play in the daily class? What are some important method(s) used for goal setting and instructional planning?

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Discussion of the diagnosis/prescription/evaluation and analyses of goals for students with intellectual disabilities - what each means, how it is done. What role do these procedures play in daily class, and metods used. Web-based resources for further reading included.

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What are the diagnosis/prescription/evaluation and analyses of goal for a student with Intellectual Disabilities?

A student with intellectual disabilities requires testing to determine to what extent he is disabled, as well as in which areas. There are approved batteries of diagnostic tests which can and should be administered by a testing specialist, a psychometrist, who can then diagnose in what areas, and to what extent, the student is impaired. This is the diagnosis portion of the question. Once a diagnosis of disability exists, the prescription phase takes over. A Learning Specialist teacher prescribes a program of study that is designed to address this particular student's diagnosed weaknesses. That program is implemented, perhaps by the prescribing teacher, perhaps by another classroom teaching professional. The evaluation phase takes place during and after the instruction, and data obtained drives further intervention and instructional strategies, based on .

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